Nafis Network


This year’s (2018) theme for commemorating the Day of the African Child is “Leave no Child Behind for Africans Development”.  The Day of the African Child is celebrated every 16th June, with the aim of bringing together civil society organizations, humanitarian organizations, Government institutions and the public, to reflect on how the African child who has often struggled to survive can be protected from all forms of violence, abuse or neglect, and be given the opportunity to learn and contribute towards Africa’s socio-economic development.

Somaliland as is the case with many other African States is working towards promoting child protection. According to the situational analysis described in the Somaliland National Development Plan II, a significant number of children in Somaliland do experience different forms of violence (sexual, physical, psychosocial) reported as rape and female genital mutilation. About half of Somali children engage in child labor and some children are separated from their families.

NAFIS Network is committed to ensure that no child is left behind as Africa develops and that children should be protected from all forms of violence. In this regard NAFIS Network urges all stakeholders involved in child protection to advocate and lobby for the endorsement of the anti-FGM policy and act. We reaffirm our commitment to work together with different partners to protect Somali children and promote them to realize their potential. As such this year’s theme is rephrased to “Leave no Child Behind for Somaliland Development and stop cutting girls”