Title Training facilitator
Training    Deliver capacity development to ADR Centre staff on the SOPs, and the role of the ADR Centres in preventing and responding to domestic violence, gender-based violence (GBV), and violence against children.
Location Erigavo,Sanaag region ,Somaliland
Program DAMAL Programme


Network Against FGM/C in Somaliland (NAFIS) is a non-political, non-governmental, and humanitarian network. NAFIS was established in November 2006 in Hargeisa, Somaliland, by several local NGOs working to eradicate FGM/C. Currently, NAFIS has 20 member organizations operating in all the regions of Somaliland. As the only nationwide network of its kind, the primary purpose of NAFIS is to combat all forms of FGM/C in Somaliland through coordination and networking, policy framework, research, documentation, and capacity building for the key stakeholders and media awareness.


The NAFIS network, in close collaboration with the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) and the Ministry of Justice (MOJ), is promoting Access to Justice by establishing and operationalizing Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Centres in Hargeisa, Togdheer, Las-Anood, and Erigavo under the Program ‘Strengthening the Social Contract through Access to Justice in Somaliland’ funded by the Government of the Netherlands. The program aims to foster the social contract in Somaliland by increasing the legitimacy of justice institutions. The overall goal of the program is expected to be achieved through three (3) intermediate outcomes: (1) improved access to an Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR) mechanism and referral pathways, especially for vulnerable groups; (2) enhanced access to formal justice for vulnerable groups through holistic support to gender-based violence (GBV) survivors and affected communities; and (3) increased participation of citizens in Somaliland in accountability processes relating to the provision of security and justice. The specific mandate of each Centre is to facilitate the practice of ADR and settle claims and disputes at the community level, facilitating and increasing access to justice for the local population, particularly vulnerable categories.


The The purpose of this term of reference (TOR) is to outline the objectives, scope, and deliverables for conducting refresher training sessions for the ADR Centre staff. The training aims to enhance their understanding of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and the role of ADR Centres in preventing and responding to domestic violence, gender-based violence (GBV), and violence against children.


 The main objectives of the training sessions are as follows:

  1. To reinforce the knowledge and understanding of ADR Centre staff regarding the SOPs.
  2. To enhance the capacity of ADR Centre staff in recognizing and responding effectively to domestic violence, GBV, and violence against children.
  3. To provide practical skills and tools for ADR Centre staff to prevent and address instances of violence manner sensitively and appropriately.
  4. To promote a coordinated and multi-disciplinary approach among ADR Centre staff in preventing and responding to violence.

The training sessions will cover the following key areas:

  1. Review of SOPs: A comprehensive overview and discussion of the existing SOPs, including the procedures for handling cases related to domestic violence, GBV, and violence against children.
  2. The participants will Understand be able to Understand Domestic Violence, GBV, and Violence Against Children: They will learn how to conduct an in-depth exploration of the nature, causes, and consequences of domestic violence, GBV, and violence against children. This session will focus on discussions on power dynamics, gender roles, cultural factors, and the impact on victims.
  3. Recognizing and Responding to Violence: The participants should learn how to Trainidentifying signs of violence, conduct risk assessments, and implementing appropriate interventions. This session will involve role-plays, case studies, and interactive exercises.
  4. Communication and Documentation: This session will focus on training participants to learn Effective communication strategies when dealing with victims and perpetrators, maintaining confidentiality, and documenting cases accurately and comprehensively.
  5. Coordinated Response: in this session, the participants should able to Understand the importance of collaboration with other service providers and agencies involved in addressing violence, including law enforcement, social services, and healthcare providers.
  6. Self-Care and Support: The training session should Promote self-care practices for ADR Centre staff and explore available support mechanisms for managing vicarious trauma.


The  Training is expected to be completed within a timeframe of 5 days including 3 days of the training facilitation, one day of training preparation and one day of the report writing.


The following deliverables are expected from the training sessions:


Qualified and experienced trainers/facilitators with expertise in the field of Law, and GBV and child protection will be engaged to conduct the training sessions. The facilitators should have proven experience in delivering interactive and participatory training programs


Interested candidates in the NAFIS network prequalified list and other independents are requested to submit an electronic application to jobs@nafisnetwork.org. not later than 15 May 2024.

Submission package

Cover Letter: provide a cover letter introducing yourself and expressing their interest in participating in the refresher training sessions. The cover letter should highlight their relevant experience, skills, and motivations.

Curriculum Vitae/Resume: submit your updated curriculum vitae or resume, which should include your educational background, professional experience, relevant certifications or training, and any other qualifications related to the training topic.

Training Experience: provide a summary of your previous training experience, particularly in the areas of domestic violence, gender-based violence, and violence against children. They should outline the types of training they have delivered, the target audience, and the methodologies they have used.

References: provide contact information for professional references who can vouch for your training abilities, work ethic, and interpersonal skills. It’s important to contact these references to validate the candidates’ qualifications.

Training Proposal: Submit a brief training proposal outlining their approach to conducting the training sessions. This should include an outline of the topics they would cover, their training methodologies, and any innovative ideas or strategies they would bring to the sessions.

Sample Training Materials: provide samples of your training materials, such as presentations, handouts, or interactive activities they have developed in the past. This will give you an idea of their creativity, organization, and ability to create engaging learning resources.

Availability and Cost: provide your availability for the training sessions and their proposed fees or rates.